
Police investigating hoax bomb calls at rail stations carry out searches

E.Garcia23 min ago

Police in Northern Ireland investigating a series of hoax bomb calls targeting railway stations in England have carried out searches in Londonderry.

Detectives said the searches are in relation to an ongoing investigation into dissident republican activity.

A PSNI spokesperson said: "Today's searches are part of an investigation working alongside Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE) into a series of hoax bomb calls which targeted railway stations in England between April 20-23.

"These searches demonstrate our commitment to disrupting the activities of this small group of people who are intent on causing fear in our society.

"As always, our priority is to protect communities and keep people safe from harm."

The spokesperson added: "I want to appeal to anyone who has information which could assist our investigation to contact us on 101 or online at, quoting reference 1587 of 23/04/24."