
Wexford group apply for permission to build new community centre

D.Davis26 min ago
The planning application is seeking permission to construct a split level, single storey building of 1,295m2 in size. The proposed building will consist of an indoor multi-use sports and recreation hall which is 643m2 in size, a coffee station/social space, a viewing platform overlooking the sports hall as an extension of the social space, two meeting rooms, an adaptable multi-purpose space, male and female changing room facilities and ancillary rooms.

Permission is also sought for a community garden which includes hard and soft landscaping such as a recreational green area, seven planting allotments, a garden shed and playground area with all ancillary works and on-site communal car parking located opposite the school and to be shared with the school.

Outside there would also be a centrally located garden feature and small scale maintenance shed.

Furthermore, a SWOT survey carried out on the local area indicated that the lack of multi-user community space is a primary concern particularly given the dispersal of the three communities and the need to improve connectivity.

The SWOT acknowledged that opportunities for development in this area will result in activities and initiatives for the community.

The coastal location and beautiful scenery coupled with the strong sense of community are among the key strengths of the area. There is great pride in the local schools and especially for their contribution to enhancing local biodiversity. Proximity to Gorey and Dublin are among the area's other key strengths.

Parking, road conditions, lack of facilities, traffic congestion particularly at beaches is impacting negatively on the area and is viewed as a weakness. The community voiced a particular concern in relation to adequate access for emergency vehicles to the seafront.

The current level of volunteerism and the number of people who are interested in volunteering is viewed as a key benefit and opportunity to shape the future o f the area in line with local needs. Additional trail and path development is also viewed as a away to provide safe outdoor areas for locals and visitors.

Among the documents included in the application are; a landowner consent letter, support letters from the local church and national school, extracts from the 5 year Community Development Plan 2023 – 2027 found in the Design Rationale Report.