
Devon bridges get steel protection against flood damage

E.Anderson36 min ago
Two historic bridges have had steel plates fixed to them after they were damaged in floods.

Newbridge at Gunnislake and Greystone Bridge near Tavistock have both been hit by fallen trees carried down the flood-swollen rivers Tamar and Tavy.

Councillor Stuart Hughes of Devon County Council, said repairs on the Grade 1 listed bridges, which have been finished, was "important ahead of the coming winter".

Newbridge at Gunnislake was left with a hole in one of its piers in April after it was struck by a fallen tree that had washed into the Tamar while Greystone Bridge was also hit during storms in 2022.

Mr Hughes said: "We have previously used metal guards successfully to protect temporary repairs so we're hoping that they will help minimise the risk of future damage caused by debris in the river."

Permission to install the metal fixings was granted by West Devon Borough Council and Cornwall Council, with consultation also held with Historic England.

Tavistock councillor Debo Sellis, said: "We need to balance history and our future, which I'm glad to see has been done sensitively on both of these bridges."

She thanked motorists for their patience while repairs were carried out.