
Glancing Back for Sept. 20: Lincoln sculpture makes early appearance

L.Hernandez1 hr ago

Sept. 20, 1924

DANVILLE — Rose Garrett, 15-year-old high school girl who disappeared after the first session on the opening day at the first new high school, and for whom a wide search was being made, has been found. She is now in jail at Harrison, Ohio, locked up with 18-year-old Stanford Deadwiler of Danville and charged with the theft of an auto. Both are being held under the Dyer act and the youth in addition will have to face a charge of violating the Mann act, it was intimated today...TERRE HAUTE — Delbert White, 25, is held in Terre Haute today in connection with the murder of Mrs. Ruth Gates, friend of friendless children and patron of the needy. Mrs. Gates' body, with the throat slashed, was found last night on the Lincoln School grounds, after children had told police of seeing a man and a woman struggling there. The man had disappeared. White was arrested after he is said to have gone to the Gates home and told Dorothy Boyle, a niece of Mrs. Gates, that he had killed her aunt. "Your aunt is better off where she is. She's dead. I killed her," White said, according to the girl's statement.

MATTOON — Most Mattoon veterans are opposed to President Ford's amnesty plan. According to Lawrence A. Hansen, commander of the local American Legion post: "I think that at least 60 to 70 percent of them feel that the boys who went up to Canada should stay there. They did not feel like defending their country when it needed them," he added. Hansen served in World War I in a destroyer convoy division. He said most members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post he has talked to agreed with him. However, one veteran who helped organize the local chapter of World War I veterans in 1956 expressed a slightly different view. William A. Reagin of 317 N. Division told the Journal, "I am against amnesty, but I am for the constitution and justice. I fought against the draft back when they first organized it," he said. "Under the Constitution, I believe the draft is unconstitutional. If the draft is unconstitutional, these boys have committed no offense against society, therefore they would not be guilty of anything." Reagin served for 22 months in World War I. He was on the firing line in France for 24 days.

CHARLESTON — The people who attended the unveiling of a 4.5-foot tall profile of Abraham Lincoln on Saturday could not help but wonder if the spirit of Lincoln was in the audience with them. The unveiling ceremony for local artist Cary Knoop's steel sculpture was set to begin at 10 a.m. at Charleston City Hall with remarks from Mayor Dan Cougill. Before Cougill could start, a gust of wind blew the curtain and supporting pole aside, revealing the profile that had been mounted on the north side of city hall. "If you noticed, we didn't start at 10 a.m., but Abe did," Cougill told the audience of more than 80 people after they had applauded the early unveiling of the profile...STRASBURG — The Stewardson-Strasburg school is considering revising a policy that would include high school students in its "blackout policy." Superintendent Barb Roberts said the current policy allows that no activities are scheduled on Wednesdays after 6 p.m. for students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. The policy does not include the free evening for high school students. The board is considering changing the "blackout policy" one day a week to begin at 5 p.m. and include grades pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Exceptions to the rule would be a homecoming game and tournament play.

Interest rates are finally coming down this year. Here's what that means for 5 common investments.

Interest rates are finally coming down this year. Here's what that means for 5 common investments.

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