
Rape suspect 'attacked teenage girl minutes after telling police he was already being investigated for a previous attack and was out looking for sex - but officer let him go on his way'

T.Johnson29 min ago
A suspected rapist attacked a teenage girl minutes after telling police he was already being investigated for a previous rape and was out looking for sex, a court has heard.

Brian Nutt, now 21, is accused of raping the then 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, in Bournemouth, Dorset, on June 4, 2022.

He is alleged to have been left alone with the girl by a police officer moments before the alleged attack despite having just drunkenly admitted to him that he was under investigation for a previous rape accusation and in town that night looking for 'p-y'.

But PC Thomas Kelly let Nutt go on his way with the 16-year-old girl at a bus stop after briefly questioning him.

A short time later Nutt is alleged to have dragged the girl into nearby bushes in the Lower Gardens, near the town centre, where he raped her.

Richard Tutt, prosecuting, said when he initiated a kiss she did not mind, but when he then tried to take it further she said 'no, don't do that, stop'.

She told police that he got 'very aggressive' and dragged her into the gardens.

The girl said at that point she did not say no, she was in shock and 'like a doll' with him 'pulling me where he wanted me to go'.

Afterwards he told his victim that he had been accused of rape before 'so don't go round telling people that I raped you', it is alleged.

The girl reported the alleged attack to the police the following day on June 5, 2022.

The court heard Nutt, then aged 19, had already been arrested and released under investigation for allegedly raping a teenage girl 10 months before.

That incident involved another 16-year-old girl and took place on the clifftop at Barton-on-Sea, Hants, on August 10, 2021.

Nutt and the girl were part of a group of young people who had been drinking and chatting.

When they were alone they started kissing consensually but he is then alleged to have forced himself on her and raped her.

The jury heard the girl told him to stop, said 'ow' several times and cried, but Nutt continued and told her to 'shush, it will be fine'.

He is then alleged to have held her down and raped her with such force that at one stage she was eating sand.

A court heard how the second complainant had spent the evening of June 4, 2022, at a beach party in Bournemouth with friends.

They got to the bus stop near the Lower Gardens after 11pm when Nutt first approached the girl.

An older man and woman then approached them and accused Nutt of being a rapist, a jury heard.

Mr Tutt said: 'An older male and female then approached, they started shouting at the defendant, accusing him of raping a girl who was crying at a nearby bus stop. This defendant denied that.

'[The complainant] went over to where that girl was to speak to her, she asked if she was okay.

'A large number of police officers then attended.

'PC Thomas Kelly was flagged down by a member of the public who wanted to report the potential rape. They pointed out two potential suspects, one of those was this defendant.'

PC Kelly said: 'We were flagged down by a member of the public who wanted to report to us a potential rape. The male who flagged us down spoke to the driver of the van and pointed out two potential suspects.

'A female was shouting and swearing at the two. I told her to go away and spoke to one of the males who was identified to me.

'I formed the opinion he was drunk, his speech was slurred and his eyes appeared glazed over.

'Initially I heard the male give his name as Ryan Nutt, this was because of the amount he was slurring his words. I looked on the police national computer and there was no trace.

'I asked if he was known to the police. He said in Hampshire for a rape allegation. I asked again his name, this time he said Brian Nutt. I checked again and found him on this occasion.

'I wanted to find out what his involvement was. I asked what he was doing in town. I cannot remember exactly what he said but it was along the lines of "I'm just out trying to get myself some p-y".

'A short time later a female arrived and started speaking with Brian. She was younger than Brian was. When I asked her for her details she refused to provide them to me. I didn't believe her to be involved in this incident. For this reason I didn't press her further.

'She was asking Brian for a cigarette and appeared to know him from the way they were talking.

'I spoke to my sergeant if there were any offences. He told me there were not so I let Brian go on his way.'

After being arrested Nutt told police the sex was consensual and said: 'She responded to me in a positive way throughout and gave no indication she was not consenting. I did not force her to do anything she did not want to.'

Nutt, also claims he had consensual sex in the August 2021 incident.

Nutt, of no fixed abode, denies three counts of rape and one of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against the two victims.

The trial at Bournemouth Crown Court continues.