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Hospitality Sales Marketing Association International Monthly Meeting
The Northeast/Central Pennsylvania HSMAI monthly meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 16 at the Pocono Manor Resort. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the hospitality business. Cost to attend is $35 per person and includes dinner.
The featured speaker will be Judith Belmont, who will present, “The Swiss Cheese Theory of Life,” a how-to message for “getting through the holes rather than getting stuck in them.” Belmont is a member of the National Speakers Association and her background as a psychotherapist and speaker spans more than 30 years. She is a corporate trainer, author and speaker, with a primary focus on offering practical strategies to improve personal empowerment and boost emotional resilience.
To make a reservation, email [email protected] .
Greater Hazleton Association of Realtors: Free Housing Seminar
The Greater Hazleton Association of Realtors will hold a free information session for homeowners who are struggling to keep their homes from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18 at Genetti’s Best Western, Route 309, Hazleton. Featured speakers are Robert Ewing, executive director of the American Credit Counseling Institute and Dona Palmer, business development manager of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA).
Northern Tier Hardwood Association Membership Picnic
The Northern Tier Hardwood Association (NTHA), a group which shares concerns about how the forestry business and forest owners are being affected by current conditions, will hold its spring membership picnic at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 21 at Lazy Brook Park, Tunkhannock (directly across from Deer Park Lumber). The picnic, which will include a free meal of pulled barbecue pork and fried chicken, door prizes and musical entertainment by Sundance, is open to current members and other interested parties.
The meeting will feature the introduction of the group’s new executive director who will lead a discussion on the steps NTHA is taking to address member needs as related to the natural gas industry.
Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce: Legislative Trip
The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Legislative Trip to Harrisburg on Thursday, June 16. The purpose of the trip is for members to get an update on legislative issues facing Pennsylvania’s business community. Cost of the trip is $45 per person.
The one-day visit, hosted by Representative Tarah Toohil, will feature a series of meetings with various officials with first-hand knowledge of the Commonwealth’s legislative priorities. The day will include a luncheon hosted by Rep. Toohil followed by a meeting with officials from the Corbett administration at which chamber members will have the opportunity to discuss issues in their fields of expertise.