
Bygones: Nixon spoke in Duluth in 1954

R.Anderson27 min ago

News-Tribune, Sept. 23, 1924

M.K. Plasha, a concertina player, was awarded $500 in a suit against the Range Rapid Transit Co., claiming damages his instrument sustained when his car was forced off the road by a bus near Buhl prevented him from playing all-night weddings, often going from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and sometimes lasting two to three days.

News-Tribune, Sept. 23, 1954

Vice President Richard Nixon warned in an address at Duluth Denfeld High School Auditorium that the loss of Republican control of Congress would be a "body blow" to President Dwight D. Eisenhower's program and result in a swing back toward "socialism and big government."

News-Tribune & Herald, Sept. 23, 1984

A show in the new Fitger Brewery Mall titled "The Lake Superior Experience" will feature a series of never-released U.S. Coast Guard slides of the sunken U.S. Edmund Fitzgerald. Larry Anderson, an employee of Image Masters in Duluth, discovered the slides with his colleagues at the end of a long search.

News Tribune, Sept. 23, 2004

Citing safety concerns, the Minnesota Department of Transportation quietly established a policy to remove hundreds of roadside memorials across the state. Families will be notified in person and the memorials will be brought to their homes, officials said.