
'Nightmare' Intersection In Hollywood Will Be Reimagined — View The Plans

K.Hernandez22 min ago

City officials are planning to revamp the five-way intersection of Hollywood Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard, Hillhurst Avenue, Virgil Avenue and Sunset Drive on the border of Los Feliz and Hollywood.

The intersection, which marks the beginning of Hollywood Boulevard, experiences frequent traffic backup and causes confusion to the initiated motorist. In a recent newsletter, Councilman Hugo Soto-Martínez referred to it as a "nightmare intersection."

The city's plans call for left-turn phasing in certain directions, a new crossing between Hollywood and Sunset boulevards and the restriction of traffic on Sunset Drive — the lone side street in the intersection of major roads — to right turns in and out.

The project will also connect exiting bike lanes on Sunset Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard , which were constructed as part of the first phase of the Access to Hollywood plan.