Times Leader
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HANOVER TWP.: Gorzkie Zale, a traditional Polish Bitter Lamentations, will be held at 3 p.m. on April 6 at Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, 420 Main Road, Buttonwood. The Rev. Kevin Mulhern, pastor, invites everyone to this Lenten service which will be conducted by the Rev. John Albosta and the Rev. Richard Zavacki. A light reception will be held in the church hall after the service. For more information or directions, call 570-823-6242.
KINGSTON: Church Women United will be collecting Easter baskets from 10 a.m. to noon on April 7 and April 9 at Dorranceton United Methodist Church, 549 Wyoming Avenue.
Diabetic baskets should be clearly marked and no nuts or hard-boiled eggs should be included. If baskets are made and delivered directly to nursing homes or shut ins, call the Rev. Barbara Saxe at 570-822-6884 with the locations. For more information contact the Rev. Saxe.
LEHMAN TWP.: River of Life Fellowship Church, 22 Outlet Road, is celebrating Friend Day on Sunday. All are welcome to come and meet the friendly people at the church. Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. and a complimentary lunch will be served after the service.
NANTICOKE: A Lenten evening of reflection with Father Luke Fletcher, Community of Franciscan Friars, will be held on Tuesday at St. Faustina Parish, 520 South Hanover Street. The homily will take place at 6 p.m. followed by Benediction at 7 p.m. Eucharistic adoration will be available all day.
Fletcher grew up in Indiana and graduated from Franciscan University in 1996. After graduation, he joined the Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in the Bronx. The friars live a radical life concentrated on prayer, fraternity, hands-on work with the poor and the new evangelization. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2003. Fletcher has served as vocation director, postulant director and director of priestly studies. He also hosts retreats and is a community council member and has a You-Tube series called “The Faith Side.”
PLYMOUTH: The Plymouth Cambrian Club will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday at the First Welsh Baptist Church, Plymouth. Hostesses are Lisa Fox and the Rev. Anita J. Ambrose.
Members of the board will meet at 6:30 p.m. President Megan Walkowiak will preside. Arrangements for the May tea will be discussed. New members are welcome.
WEST PITTSTON: The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, 317 Luzerne Ave., sponsors Christ’s Community Clothes Closet from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesdays. The closet is open to the community and there is no charge. For emergency clothing, call 570-654-2500. Donations of clothing are being accepted and can be placed in the clothing shed in the church parking lot at any time. For more information call the church office at 570-654-2500.